As society has progressed, chronic health issues have dramatically increased. This, of course, can have a significant long-term, disabling impact on our lives. These health conditions include heart disease, cancer, diabetes, thyroid conditions, asthma, allergies, gastrointestinal conditions, obesity and overweight issues, etc...
● Chronic health conditions are the leading cause of death and disability in U.S. (7 out of every 10 deaths)
● These statistics are getting worse each year (estimated to affect 49% of all Americans by 2025)
● Chronic conditions present a significant financial burden (average cost of $6,032 annually, resulting in 5x more than without the condition)
However, it’s never too late to turn your lifestyle around or to make improvements that benefit your health. Capital Region Integrative Health is here to help you achieve health and wellness goals you never thought possible. Keep reading to learn more about functional nutrition and wellness, then give us a call today to get started.
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) has established that addressing the root causes of these conditions with a holistic wellness approach is the answer. Yet, the medical approach is still the long-term utilization of medications which often only treat the symptoms and have side effects and complications that can cause more problems.
The ultimate answer is to not just treat symptoms, but to address the underlying cause(s) of poor health with an individualized health and wellness program! Most patients are not even aware of all the underlying contributing factors to their poor health and wellness, but at our office, we work to uncover these factors and design an exact program to fit each individual.
This is done by:
● Evaluation, testing, and consulting to determine a patient's specific health and wellness deficiencies.
● Developing personalized wellness plans specific to the patient's condition potentially utilizing the correct supplementation, diet, cleansing protocol, individualized exercise routine, as well as addressing musculoskeletal and nerve system stressors.
● Patient education is also essential to better understand and regain control over one's health.
Health issues commonly helped with Functional and Integrative Wellness:
● Thyroid Health ● Diabetes and Blood Sugar Issues ● Difficulty Losing weight ● Low Energy
● Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia ● IBS and other GI inflammatory conditions ● Chronic Pain
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