Back Pain



Chronic back pain, peripheral neuropathy, and associated symptoms such as radiating leg pain and/or numbness and tingling have a difficult time getting better often because the support structure of the back has broken down and lead to functioning joint tissues have become bad fibrotic joint tissue which is progressively degenerating. This results in ongoing back pain which leaves patients without help even though they have tried the traditional therapy methods, pain medications, injections, and even surgeries and are still suffering.

In recent years, there have been advances in different chronic back pain treatment technologies and approaches which can create healing that was not previously possible. Dr. John Milham has stayed abreast of the most readily available sciatica treatment technologies and approaches in developing highly successful protocols for these more stubborn, chronic pain conditions.

Contact Capital Region Integrative Health today to schedule a consultation with our chiropractor and schedule an appointment! We proudly treat patients throughout Latham, Albany, NY, and the entire Capital District.

The "NTP (Novo-Therapeutic Protocol) for Chronic Back Conditions" is an innovative treatment program developed by Dr. Milham that uses "Enhanced Cellular Tissue Healing" to treat the root cause of chronic back pain without medications, injections, or surgery. NTP for Chronic Back Conditions is especially helpful for patients whose chronic back pain has become an ongoing chronic problem impacting their ability to live the active lifestyle they want.

The key is to get your condition properly evaluated and addressed with the proper treatment approach to get back to the active lifestyle you want. Why continue to suffer through sciatica or spinal stenosis pain when you don't have to?


Sciatica is a type of back pain that is the result of the sciatic nerve being irritated. There are different potential causes of sciatica, so getting to the root cause with the proper treatment approach is critical.

Spinal Stenosis 

Spinal stenosis is the narrowing of the spaces within the spine in which the spinal cord and nerve roots run through. This could result in back pain, leg pain, numbness and tingling in the legs or feet, as well as weakness and/or cramping.

Herniated Disc

A herniated disc is when the discs that are in your spine bulge out and agitate the nerves within your spine. This is usually due to the spine compressing and weakening the disc. When this happens, typically there is a rupture in the wall of the disc or the "annulus", which allows the inside "nucleus" to enter the spinal canal. These types of injuries can occur from a traumatic injury or simply due to a gradual "build up" of stress/strain of poor posture and certain daily activities that are taxing on the disc. 

Degenerative Disc (Osteoarthritis)

Stress and compression from our daily lives can cause our spinal joints and discs (fluid-filled gel in between our vertebrae) to get dehydrated, weaken, stiffen, and start to degenerate. As with other chronic spinal conditions, this can cause pain, numbness/tingling, weakness, and stiffness that make everyday activities difficult.


Contact our expert team today to get to the root cause of your condition to help you regain a healthy and active lifestyle through NTP for Chronic Back Conditions treatment! Act today – don’t let back pain keep you from the things you love for one more day.


Whatever the exact cause of your pain, it is very important to determine the underlying root cause of your condition, then make sure to address it with the proper treatment approach. If the problem is a more chronic and advanced condition (such as sciatica, spinal stenosis, bulged/herniated disc, or degenerative arthritis) and is not getting better from other treatments, it may require treatment from one of our more advanced treatment programs.

Woman with back pain
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