Neck pain is a common condition among Americans. Looking at our phones, bad posture, and sports injuries are all common causes of neck pain that affect millions of people. Neck pain can be debilitating, making everyday tasks difficult. If you are experiencing it, whether it is acute or chronic, our chiropractor is here to help. We utilize an array of treatment options to provide effective, long-lasting relief.
Much like most medical conditions, neck pain can be caused by various things. By understanding what the cause of your neck pain is, we can develop an effective treatment plan that is directed towards the cause and not just the symptom of pain. Common causes include:
When you are experiencing neck pain, you have options. We understand surgery is something that most people want to avoid if possible. Our chiropractor utilizes numerous treatment options to help you experience relief. Treatment options include:
While we do not provide all these treatment options ourselves, we may recommend you to another healthcare provider or alternative medicine professional for treatment options.
At Capital Region Integrative Health, Dr. John Milham is a local board-certified chiropractor serving patients in Latham, Albany, NY, and the entire Capital District. We proudly help people experience neck pain relief through a variety of non-invasive methods. Our chiropractor will work closely with you to determine the cause of your pain and tailor a treatment program that will help you manage the pain.
Contact us today to schedule a chronic neck pain treatment!
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